*You can also make telephone appointments as needed.

Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A8  
Nanxi Shin Kong Mitsukoshi  
Mega City 
Taichung Shinkong Mitsukoshi    
Kaohsiung Hanshin Arena

JOY COLORi keeps five promises and believes in sustainability as we embark on the journey of selecting a diamond with you.

With climate neutral and carbon neutral certificates and without any post treatment or color enhancement, the most romantic products in the world are the lab grown diamonds.

JOY COLORi only selects ideal cut diamonds, sparkling to their fullest potential with maximum light return. with all 58 facets.

Our diamonds have international reports, like having their own DNAs that are completely traceable.

Sustainability lies not in the future but in the present. We wish to lead the gem industry and set an example of sustainability for a cleaner world.

With a standard certificate from the Science Certified System Global Services (SCS), our lab-grown diamonds are the first to be certified 100% climate neutral.